Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Sleeping Too Much throughout the Day, Will Affect My Baby's Night Routine?

Little Jen usually sleeps twice during the day. Once at about noon and another time in the evening anytime between 4pm and 7pm. Sometimes, he will sleep at 7pm and wakes up only at about 8pm or so. My In-Laws will ask, "Will he not sleep at night since he is sleeping so much during the day?"

Well, yes and no.

Usually the answer is no as he usually sleeps by about 10.30pm at night, not later than 11pm. Only on special occasions like when he goes to my parents' house and finds things too interesting to sleep so early. He will only sleep by about midnight to 1am or even 2am at times.  Other than that, he sleeps at about the same time daily whether it is a weekday or weeekend.

Sometimes, he sleeps a lot later in the evening because during the day, he has not been getting enough nap and is dead beat by late evening. Of course, nothing can stop this little one from sleeping if he wants to since he will either scream and be cranky all over or just turn on the snooze button after a good bottle of milk. To let him sleep when he wants is better. Sometimes, we too find it very hard to fall asleep at night  if we are too tired. So, since he is human, I suppose the same theory applies to him.

At times, yes, he will sleep later at night. Usually this happens when Little Jen wakes up from his nap by about 8 plus or 9pm at night. Obviously his play time will drag on a bit over his usual bed time. Still, he does not stay awake past midnight.  Since I am comfortable with the timing, it is okay to  let him sleep late occasionally.

Looking at the positive side, he wakes up one time less during bedtime and Mummy gets to have less disturbed sleep.

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